College Boys Gone Wild


The Sporting Life:

The Public Professor’s

Saturday Sports Column

Word come around that some students from a couple of colleges got together earlier this  width=week and played a football game.  One of the state schools out in Oregon and some other school down in Alabama. Don’t right know where these kids all got the money to come together and meet to play a game of football, but these college kids usually got some money lyin’ about.  It’s why they’re college kids I suppose.

Where’d you say it was? Arizona? Hmm, maybe they planned it around their winter break or something.

Anyway, these students got together and played a football game, and that’s nice.  But the funny thing is, apparently they were all riled up about it being important for settling who’s the best. I find that kinda odd. I mean, there ain’t no great rivalry between the states of Oregon and Alabama, not so far as I know, so that can’t explain it. And after all, they’re just a bunch of students running around out there, so it’s not like they could be very good at it.


Yeah, sure, they’re in the prime of their lives and all that, but if they were such great football players, well they wouldn’t be going to college in the first place, right? Colleges aren’t set up to train people for blue collar jobs.  They’re for all that fancy book learnin’. You don’t see plumbers runnin’ off to college to learn how to be great plumbers, now do ya? Or electricians or car mechanics or those guys who install the new windows in your home, I don’t right know what you would call `em.

Anyway, the point is the skilled trades require specialized training. You gotta know what you’re doing when you put a car up on jacks or start taking apart the plumbing or whatnot.  Same with football.  If you want to be a professional football player, well it’s just like being a professional auto mechanic or plumber or window replacement guy. You gotta get trained, and college just ain’t the place to get trained for any of those jobs. It’s better for becoming an accountant or a bank teller or something fancy like that.  You know, one of those jobs where you shower before going to work instead of after you come home.

So anyway, these pretty boy rich kid college students from the state school up in Oregon and some other state school down in Alabama, Alabama Tech or some such, they got together on  width=their Spring Break and they had themselves a football game, which is all well and good, but now the winner…

Who was that?  The Oregon school?  No?

Apparently it was Alabama Tech went and won the game, and good for them, but here’s the thing.  Some folks, Lord knows why, well they’re just runnin’ around now saying that Alabama Tech is the champion of something.  Champion of these college intramural football clubs I guess, but really, that sounds like a whole lot of hooey to me.  First of all, grown men, even if they’re still college boys, well they’re a little too old to go around bragging about their little league trophy.  It’s a might unbecomin’ if you ask me.

But here’s the real crazy thing.  Turns out they didn’t even have a tournament or nothin’.  It’s not like all these intramural college football clubs got together to play and the team that won the tournament got the little league trophy.  I wonder if it was a bowling trophy.  Those are  width= usually the cheapest cause the stores overstock them and well, people just ain’t joining the bowling leagues like they use to.  A real shame.

But anyway, there wasn’t no tournament or nothing.  Apparently the kids from these two schools just got together and played a game during the Spring Break down at some Mexican resort, maybe it was on the beach, I don’t know, and then the winner, the kids from Alabama Technical A&M just said their team was the best of all the college intramural clubs in all of America. Didn’t even have to play any of the other ones like them Irish kids in Indiana or the farm boys at the Ag school in Nebraska.  I even hear they got a good club up at some school in Idaho of all places.  Go figure.  But nope, these Alabama boys, they just think they’re the top of the heap now for what they did on their Spring Break against that one state school in Oregon.

Now ain’t that just the silliest thing you ever heard?  I tell ya, these college kids, they can get a little full of themselves if you know what I mean.

You can also find me every Saturday at Meet the Matts.

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