Found in Translation: Patriotic Poetry, Part I

I have taken several famous political passages from American History and run them repeatedly through Google Translator.  I present them here in verse form.  Today’s poems are from the Declaration of Independence.


Join the Team
He joined the team
and they have a separate equal station
to understand and to be separated from God
Human, land, honor, human activities such as authority,
is required to follow the natural laws
and growing in another way

Self-Evident Truth: Hynaur
We had a life, liberty and happiness
of the invasion of the rights of the creator,
it is clear that he believes
that like all men are created equal . . .  hynaur

Our Sacred Honor
This announcement:
The organization and protection of Providence
To give our lives
To help our country and our sacred honor.


How These Poems were Constructed

I cut and pasted various pieces of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution into Google Translator.  After entering a piece of text, I then set about translating it relentlessly through multiple languages.  I typically translated a document 10-20 different ti width=mes, never repeating any language during a single document’s translation process.  I always began with the original English text, and always concluded in English to get the text you see here.  Other than the final translation of each piece back into English, I never used English as a translating language during the process.

Most documents went through the translation process only once, though “Join the Team” was run twice; the document came out excessively jumbled the first time, and a second effort produced a more coherent translation

The poems you see here are the exact text produced on final translation back into English.  The only modifications were some minor tweaking of punctuation, and approximating free verse by breaking lines of text.

Tomorrow, poems from the Constitution.

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