Original Music: The Hunger Games Theme Song from the 1980s

Every artist was first an amateur.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents
Bob Ross

All work and no play makes the Professor a dull wit.  So I’ve decided to occasionally post music on the website.  Some of it will not be very good.

“Hunger Games Theme from the 1980s”
I first wrote this song shortly before the first Hunger Games movie was released a couple of years ago.  I’d not read the books and I knew nothing of the story except that it was about kids killing each other.

“Who doesn’t love that?” I thought to myself.  No one, that’s who.  No one doesn’t love kids killing each other.  It’s damn near perfect entertainment.  In fact, you can’t really improve upon it.  Except maybe by adding a 1980s movie theme song by the likes of Kenny Loggins, or perhaps some anonymous songsmith sporting a Casio and a cousin with an Executive Producer credit.  So with that in mind, I wrote this song.

For a while, other than singing “Hunger Games” in the shower or occasionally to a shocked friend, nothing came of it.

However, with the second Hunger Games movie now due out shortly, I figured the time had finally come to bring my would-be theme song to life.  But alas, I don’t have a cousin with an Executive Producer credit, so we’ll just hoist it onto YouTube.

Thanks to Mindi for recording this with her phone, thanks to Carrie for the Casio, and apologies to Kenny Loggins and anyone else who ever wrote an over the top 1980s movie theme song.

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